
Save Our Surgeries
PLT September


If you have any comments or complaints about Welshpool Medical Practice and Guilsfield Surgery please write into the Practice Manager.


DO NOT USE social media sites, Facebook or Twitter.


Any comments seen by Drs Russell, Kiel, Aslam, Vibhishanan, Kelly, Kingham and Hirons on any social media site may be viewed as a breach of our Zero Tolerance Policy.


We are happy to deal with your comments via our Complaints Procedure.

zero tolerance

Zero Tolerance


Access & Facilities

Welshpool is our main surgery and holds the majority of our facilities although our branch surgery in Guilsfield has a well equipped consulting room. Both surgeries offer routine doctor’s appointments to patients within their respective area.

Both surgeries allow easy access for disabled patients.

Both surgeries have dispensaries where patients who live more than 1 mile away from a chemist can collect their medication.


Signposting To Other Services

There are some conditions which are better to be assessed and treated by other professionals in the community. For example, our staff may direct you to an Optician for urgent eye care issues, Dentist for any dentistry related problems or Pharmacist who are able to give free NHS advice and treatment for 27 common ailments such as back pain, diarrhoea, mouth ulcers and sore throats.

Often, these professionals can see you at an earlier time than waiting to be seen at the Surgery, or have specialist equipment that is not available at the Practice.

By signposting patients with certain conditions to other, more appropriate services, we hope to be able to provide better access to our services for those who need them.

Hope House English
Hope House
Foodwise App
Ponthafren Activities
Ponthafren Activities
Age Alliance Wales
Age Alliance Wales 2
Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme

Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme

The Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme aims to:

  • Support and empower mothers and families to feel confident breastfeeding when out and about.
  • Normalise breastfeeding and offer an easy way for communities and businesses to show that they welcome and support breastfeeding.
  • Raise awareness about the benefits and barriers to breastfeeding.
  • Support businesses and organisations to be more breastfeeding friendly.

For more information please visit: 

Powys Breastfeeding Welcome Scheme - Powys Teaching Health Board (nhs.wales)